Zariski multiplicity conjecture: Hamiltonian mechanics hits Algebraic Geometry

Javier Fernández de Bobadilla, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

Viernes 18/10/24, a las 14 hs. Sala de Conferencias DM-IMAS (2do piso Pab. I)

Resumen: I will explain the main ingredients of my joint proof together with Tomasz Pelka of Zariski's multiplicity conjecture for families of isolated hypersurface singularities. While Zariski's multiplicity conjecture in families admits a purely algebraic formulation, its solution involves techniques from symplectic dynamics and pseudohomolomorphic curves. In fact it is tightly related to the proof of Arnol'd conjecture bounding below the number of fixed points of Hamiltonian symplectmorphims of a compact symplectic manifold by the sum of its Betti numbers.

Brief trajectory: He got a Ph. D at Nijmegen university and now is an Ikerbasque research professor at BCAM. Previously he held positions at UNED (Madrid), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), ICMAT (Madrid). He held visiting positions at Renyi Institute (Budapest), IMPA (Rio de Janeiro), IAS (Princeton), and held Chaire Jean Morlet at CIRM in the second semester of 2021. He held 2 European Research Council Grants (Starting grant and Consolidator grant). He was a Member of the jury of the prize for Science and Engineering of Banco de Sabadell 2017-2022 and is a member of the Meetings Committee of the European Mathematical Society (2018-2024). He is managing editor of Journal of Singularities and editor of Journal and Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society.

He works in Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry and is known by the Solutions of Zariski's question B, the Nash conjecture for surfaces (with M. Pe Pereira), and Zariski's conjecture for families of isolated singularities (with T. Pelka).



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